Hello! I am Pasha Siraja. Developer, Innovator and Founder of OxHive.
I've worked with the IT Sector for over 15 years and in the Enterprise Cloud Industry for over 10 years.
Ask me to write down the first 50 digits of π (Pi) from memory! 😀
VERIFY: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
London, UK
- Implementing and configuring Enterprise Identity Security directories like PingDirectory.
- Implementing and configuring Middleware Orchestration systems like PingOne DaVinci.
- Creating custom sippets & API's to perform various data manipulation or web-service functions.
London, UK
- Using Docker to deploy and reliably maintain the serving of a multitude of services like databases, caches, daemons, version control repositories, media systems & more.
- Proposing, designing and implementing bespoke solutions for various clients about software, hardware & infrastructure.
- Teaching the basics of Web Devlelopment, Python Programming & Data Science to people that have no experience in the field via physical and virtual training sessions fully prepared for by me.
- Building specific communities and managing events of various types like entertainment, gaming, food, socialising or professional networking.
JUL 2019 - FEB 2023
[3 Years, 9 Months]
London, United Kingdom
Maintaining, supporting & enhancing the internal Oracle Cloud CPQ implementations for United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Spain & Italy.
Managing all integrations between Oracle Cloud CPQ and AlphaTrust E-Signature Suite (on-premise).
Innovating, proposing & implementing various workflow optimisations for the EMEA & US teams like Version Control (using on-premise GitLab), Release Sprint management & documentation procedures and spearheading SOAP to REST upgrades across large bespoke systems.
SEP 2020 - JUL 2021
[11 Months]
London, United Kingdom
Trained people of various backgrounds towards understanding and pursuing different growing fields in the IT sector with courses like
- 'Principles of Coding'
- Level 2 City & Guilds accredited modules:
- Data Security
- Customer Support
- Hardware, Software and Networking
- Testing
DEC 2018 - JUL 2019
[8 Months]
London, United Kingdom
Handling end-to-end deployments of medium and small Oracle Configure, Pricing & Quotations (OCPQ, BigMachines) and Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC, RightNow) implementations. Simultaneously maintaining a strong client support standard for the highly available applications in their hybrid cloud portfolio.
SEP 2016 - DEC 2018
[2 Year, 4 Months]
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Handling end-to-end deployments of large and small Oracle Configure, Pricing & Quotations (OCPQ, BigMachines) and Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC, RightNow) implementations. Simultaneously maintaining a strong client support standard for the highly available applications in their hybrid cloud portfolio.
JAN 2015 - AUG 2016
[1 Year, 8 Months]
Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom
This role involves working on custom features, system configuration, back-end setup and many other aspects of BigMachines CPQ (Configure, Pricing, Quotations) and RightNow OSvC (Oracle Service Cloud).
JAN 2014 - JAN 2015
[1 Year, 1 Month]
London, United Kingdom
Professional Services: Implementing, building, testing and setting up the CPQ/CRM/ERP solution for clients that buy our services and for old clients that want to make changes to their current system.
Expert Services: Responsible for communicating with our clients providing support, modification and addition of features to their CPQ Solution installation.
DEC 2013 - JAN 2014
[2 Months]
London, United Kingdom
Dealing with support cases that arise from our clients that use the BigMachines CPQ/CRM Solution through SFDC (SalesForce.com).
MAR 2011 - JUL 2011
[5 Months]
Zurich, Switzerland
My main project was to improve the tools that RepRisk used to measure the performance metrics of their in-house analyst team. This involved transforming existing data into a presentable form. Based on research conducted by me they used the Google Charts library as the primary charting tool. For this project I used PHP, MySQL, Javascript and used SVN's version control.
6+ years
London, UK
Currently with City University, London, but have been mentoring graduate and post graduate students from City University London, University of Greenwich and privately, running CV workshops, interview & presentation skills and providing guidance towards making informed choices between the various fields available in the IT sector.
1+ Month
London, UK
15+ Years
London, UK
AUG 2015 - SEP 2016
1 Year, 2 Months
London, UK
SEP 2008 - JUL 2010
1 Year, 11 Months
London, UK
2010 - 2013
City University London
2008 - 2010
Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc)